Who We Are

TMI is a 501(c)(7) private live music club started by members of the Buffalo live music community to foster community and support our local musicians and artists.


Membership is $5/month and goes toward the business and legal expenses related to the club. Any excess goes towards gift/”grants” for musicians and artists. 


TMI will curate at least one event per month. Members will have access to discounted and pre-sale tickets. All money from shows goes directly to the bands and artists, any excess door (over costs) gets divided evenly between band members and the artist. THIS IS WHAT REAL AND DIRECT SUPPORT LOOKS LIKE. 

TMI runs on member involvement – from deciding what music to book to helping bands with promotion. Our support is more than monetary so don’t be afraid to jump in and help out! 


Contact TroublemakersBuffalo@gmail.com to find out more about our organization and becoming a member.